Saturday, December 19, 2009

Dave's Kidney Stone


Things are starting to fill in nicely with the new plants.

I found a new type of snail in the tank. Typically I have seen common pond snails, but I think this one is a Ramshorn. They have a really nice reddish brown color that matures to a nice purple as they develop. I love the long antennae, they serve the function of a type of gill, though they also have a pallial cavity (primitive lung) like the pondsnails.

Full Moon

It was very cold and the moon was stunning. I spent an hour and finally good a clear picture of the moon.

A much longer exposure (nearly 8 seconds)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Sad for Muta

Muta as Leela calls her and Amunet as she was named; has an infection in her eye. It's all swollen, red and gunky. We put an antibiotic in her eye twice a day, poor girl.