Monday, April 19, 2010

Lovely Eggs

Leela loves helping care for the chickens and getting the eggs every day. Each chicken lays an egg that is unique to her in color, shape and size. We get a good variety. We keep 3 Plymouth Barred Rock, 3 Ameraucana, 2 Red Star, and 1 Rhode Island Red. The rooster was an Ameraucana, but for his fate check out last November.

So we're in the bathroom talking about the best way to fix the skylight and taking pictures of the damage done to the ceiling and wall. David takes a picture of me leaning against the window sill. A weird place to discuss home improvement and an even weirder place to get your portrait taken.


I made tie-dye shirts for everyone in the fam. I like the way they turned out and I think the kids look super cute. It's such a carefree summery look.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Again with the fish tank.

I'm beginning to think the Angelfish is showing her age at 3 years.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

April so far

Leela and Sammy sleeping in Boise.

Cooper peeking through Grandma's back fence.

Shrimp Heaven.

A heart shaped potato I planted in the side yard.